Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Teaching about my state Maryland

Earlier in November my mom visited (we had lots of fun, day-tripping to Toledo and whatnot). She came bearing gifts from back home, including natural peanut butter, an HP printer, and a Baltimore Orioles baseball cap. I had requested the last item so that I could make a poster all about me for school, not because I'm particularly fond of the team or anything.

Well, here are the results, although I've got to find a better way to hold up the baseball cap (tape doesn't cut it). It was in the now blank space between the oriole and crab:I'm especially proud of my version of Maryland's flag. I had never realized how perfectly geometric it was until I sat down to cut it out of construction paper. I will be using the poster as a tool in English classes for upcoming units.

1 comment:

C. Lee said...

hey! your poster looks NICE!
lovely ride, by the way.
oh yeah, what does peanut butter (outside of a reese's cup) taste like? a co-worker of mine was toting a pint today.